
Functions dealing with dataclass columns.


  • pack_dataclass(): Packs a list of component fields of a dataframe as a dataclass field.

  • unpack_dataclass(): Unpacks a dataclass field of a dataframe as a list of component fields.

mt.pandas.dataclass.pack_dataclass(df, output_col: str, klass, field_map: dict | None = None, drop: bool = False)

Packs a list of component fields of a dataframe as a dataclass field.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – the input dataframe to work on

  • output_col (str) – the name of the output dataclass field

  • klass (object) – the dtype of the output dataclass field

  • field_map (dict, optional) – if provided, a mapping that maps each component field’s name into a field of the dataclass

  • drop (bool) – whether or not (default) to drop the component fields in the dataframe


the output dataframe, where the dataclass field is appended to the input dataframe, and optionally the component fields dropped

Return type:


mt.pandas.dataclass.unpack_dataclass(df, input_col: str, klass: object | None = None, field_map: dict | None = None, drop: bool = False)

Unpacks a dataclass field of a dataframe as a list of component fields.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – the input dataframe to work on

  • input_col (str) – the name of the input dataclass field

  • klass (object, optional) – the dtype of the input dataclass field. To be detected if not provided.

  • field_map (dict, optional) – if provided, a mapping that maps each component field’s name into a field of the dataclass

  • drop (bool) – whether or not (default) to drop the dataclass field after unpacking


the output dataframe, where new component fields are generated, and optionally the dataclass field dropped

Return type:
