
Utilities dealing with a zip file.


mt.base.zipfile.extract_temporarily(zipfile, out_dirpath=None)

Extracts a zip file to an local dirpath, deleting the dirpath after use.

  • zipfile (str or zipfile.ZipFile) – an open ZipFile instance or a local path to a zip file

  • out_dirpath (str, optional) – If specified, a path to hold all the extracted zip files. Otherwise, a temporary directory is generated.


the extracted folder wrapped in an object for use in a with statement. The folder is removed upon exitting the with statement.

Return type:



  • ExtractedFolder: A scope for use in a with statement. Upon exiting, the extracted folder is removed.

class mt.base.zipfile.ExtractedFolder(dirpath)

A scope for use in a with statement. Upon exiting, the extracted folder is removed.

The ‘dirpath’ attribute of the with object contains the extracted dirpath.


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